How you can help out at the Shed

The shed relies on its members to keep it going and there are many ways to help out. From day-to-day jobs, helping out in the kitchen, grounds maintenance, assisting the committee members on general meetings days or serving up a snag at a local Sausage Sizzle. There's a number of ways you can help and it's really appreciated. The Shed is only as good as what the members put into it.

Have a look at our JOBS and TASKS LIST

(Please see one of the committee members for current jobs) This is a list of various jobs that you could help with. The community has often tasked us to make or fix something, so there’s nearly always a job to do and they earn money for the Shed to help keep it afloat. Please get involved with helping the Shed that helps you.

Sausage Sizzles

We’d be delighted if you could help out at our regular sausage sizzles at Bunnings Hardware on and at Manly Markets on the occasional Sunday. Please let one of the committee members know if you can help with serving, cooking up a snag or two or cutting up all those onions. These events are really important and help keep the Shed financial.

Monday Lunch Days

It’s a big job feeding all those mouths on a Wednesday. See if Rod needs a hand in the morning with the cooking, or after lunch with the washing up. Don’t leave it all to Rod, he’ll bugger off and we’ll all starve!

The aim of lunches is to encourage shedders to participate in :

  • Suggesting meals

  • Learning how to prepare their suggested meal

  • Helping prepare, OR being helped to prepare YOUR selected meal (We will supply all ingredients)

  • Feeding hungry shedders

  • Making a small profit that will pay for the Christmas Function (With support from the shed)

  • And many hands to tidy/wash up after

Wednesday’s Sausage sizzle at the General Meeting

Plenty to volunteer for on this day. Give us a hand getting seats sorted or chucking a snag on the BBQ. We love it when we all work together. Held 3 times/month after the Shed General Meeting (Excluding the first Wednesday of every month when GM is held at Wynnum Leagues Club)

There are about 50 members who attend the General Meeting at the shed 3 Wednesdays/month = about 40/year. This means that IF everyone did ONE sausage sizzle each year, all the work would be shared. Rod firmly believes that Aussie males are competitive when it comes to BBQs. Lets ALL do one little bit each year!

Shed Maintenance

Talk to Joe Stemm if you’d like to get involved with some shed maintenance

Garage Sales

A few times a year, we run garage sales, which generate a good income for the shed. It’s hard work for the few Shedders that currently do all the work and we’d love a hand. You can help by picking up donations, taking sales on the day and in many other ways. Please tell David Westlake if you can assist. He’ll love you so much, he’ll probably give you a big hug.