Men’s Health & The Shed

Men's Sheds and Men's Mental Health have become synonymous with each other because the concept of The Men's Shed was proposed in 1993 after studies showed Men's mental health was deteriorating more rapidly in senior aged men than in females. This was because women were far more willing to go out and socialise while while men were sitting at home alone and bored.

The cure was simple. It was something they had been doing most of their lives which was getting out and taking on something new and challenging that they enjoyed doing. 

While some Mental Health Groups are attended by some of the members there is no conventional group therapy as such. There is an undertaking to share the knowledge gained from the Mental Health Workshops and act as team leaders to pass on what they have learnt.

However, by following the simple wise truisms that 'familiarity breeds contempt' and that 'variety is the spice of life', our Men's Shed offers companionship and challenge and continued variety in its activities, all of which have remarkable curative effects over boredom, loneliness and depression.

So the best medical advice is to have a cold drink of sparkling water with no pills and ring up Men's Shed and join and you will feel an immediate improvement in your outlook..

It is not so much the men who have joined the Men's Shed that require help, but those who haven't joined. That is why we are in constant pursuit of new members to get them out of their houses and into the Men's Shed to add newness to their lives and revitalise their sense of challenge.

If you need help or require other information on men’s health, please contact one of the organisations below: