Our Character

Since 2011, we have been creating an environment where men can be part of a 30 year old movement. We provide the space, tools and equipment to work on various woodworking, metalworking and other projects. There is also space for social activities such as playing cards and pool. We form connections with all members to create a sense of belonging. We also do little jobs in the community to support where there is a need.

Our Vision

An environment where members can choose to spend their time to connect, find friendship, camaraderie and a relaxing space for growth and enjoyment.

Our Mission

Provide an environment for men to connect, develop new skills and improve their mental and physical health by meetings and social interaction, as a part of the local community.


Mateship • Respect • Tolerance • Accountability


• Setting up a permanent home to do woodworking and metalworking

• Acquire a Laser cutter, 3D printer, CNC router

• Provide an offering for more than 200 members

• Raise sufficient funds to enable some of the lowest membership fees

• Provide all consumables for member projects

• Constant communication with all members, regardless of their situation