Work for the community

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When we started this shed we tried to do work for the community. In those early days we did a lot of work with schools, and private homes. (But nothing that would take work away from tradesmen). For example, the elderly lady who could not open her front door for 5 years because the strip on the bottom strip on her screen door had come off and it was stopping it from opening, a simple fix, but one she couldn’t get it done elsewhere.

We made toys for children in disadvantaged family situations. In the past we have gone to the Wynnum Day Care Centre and asked the manager to pick out a family that needed help, so at Xmas time we gave that family a hamper for Xmas day and toys etc for the children. This is the sort of things that I would like to see us doing again. In the last couple of years we seemed to have dropped doing a lot of this community work. 

Now these are my thoughts, not the shed's, as it hasn’t been brought up in any meeting. But I think there is a need out there, and we can fill this need like we used to.

My wish is that our great shed can get back to helping these families in disadvantaged situations, also help the elderly with small tasks that tradesmen etc don’t do. I would like to put a day or two aside each month to make items or help people.

David Westlake


Focus: The Accidental Hero


8 years of the Shed