The Shed Laser
The Machine
In the shed we have an 80 watt Co2 Laser made by Lotus this is set up with a chiller for cooling the laser tube as well as a fume extractor which vents the fumes produced whilst cutting to atmosphere, this ensures safe working conditions as the machine cabinet access panel is always shut when the laser is being used.
The Control System.
This machine is 2D so only works on the X,Y axes.
The Laser has control from a touch panel mounted on the machine it is a RuiDa RDC6442. This control panel has a touch pad which controls all the setting and the movement of the laser head.
The Software
We have two software packages the first is the supplied one which is RDWorks
This is a good package to start with as it is freeware and is Windows compatible, it has it’s own file format for projects designed in the package. Files ca also be imported and exported as DFX files.
Please see our video tutorial section for videos on Lightburn.
This program is more advanced than RDWorks and is also Windows compatible but is Licensed, we have the licence, so it is only available for use in the shed.
This package also has its own file format, it can import and export files in DFX and AI file formats this means that any software like Fusion 360 etc can be used to draw the image you want.
If you have access to Adobe Illustrator you can import .au files into the laser software.
Material you can use and CAN’T USE
A set of PDF files are available here which show all the materials you can and can’t use as well as a cutting guide on speed and power settings.
The laser can cut many materials but there are a lot of materials that should never be cut for a variety of reasons these include that give off toxic fumes and melt rather than cut and can catch fire and damage the laser.
If cutting plastic, DO NOT use polycarbonate or bunnings plastic sheet. Use ONLY acrylic which you can purchase from a reputable plastic fabricator/manufacturer.
Please check with a shed member if you are unsure.
Other information is available on the internet and the internet that can help in this regard.
The thickness of the material is one of the main factors as the maximum for this laser is usually less than 7mm, our most used material is 3mm softwood ply. It does not like hardwood ply.
How to use it
The best way to learn how to use the Laser cutter is to see Peter Douglas or one of the other experienced Shedders and get a lesson.
Alternatively go to our manuals on our Shed computer drives and visit YouTube as well as our tutorials guides page.
You can make all sorts of things on the laser cutter